It Might Take A While

Monday, November 29, 2010

Do Not Attempt Playing Frogger At Home

My husband and I often have the conversation, "Do you really think that people are so stupid that they have to be told..."

Apparently such warnings must be repeated CONSTANTLY as illustrated by the following story

A 23-year old man has been hospitalized after police in South Carolina say he was hit by an SUV while playing a real-life version of the video game Frogger.

Ah hello. You are neither a frog nor living in a virtual world.

It turns out that Einstien (or Froggy for short) had been discussing the game with his friends. The man yelled then yelled go and then darted into oncoming traffic in the four-lane highway.

No charges are expected against the driver.

It appears that the name of the man who was struck has not been released. Probably to protect him from his own stupidity. Good news though, he was in stable condition Monday night

You know what that means don't you? Well he's only lost one virtual life and still has a few more to go

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Two Workers Killed In Henning, TN Post Office Shooting

Two gunmen opened fire Monday at the post office in Henning, killing two workers during what a survivor and authorities described as an attempted robbery. 

District Attorney Mike Dunavant said the case involved "disturbing violence" but did not elaborate.

"We will determine who's responsible for this violence and bring those people to justice," District Attorney General Mike Dunavant said.

The United States Postal Service announced a $25,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the suspects.

Henning is one of those places where people would say it can't happen here. Henning is so small that it doesn't even offer home delivery and the residents pick up their mail at the post office. It is located approximately 50 miles northeast of Memphis and was the boyhood home of Alex Haley.

police are searching for two suspects who left the scene in a maroon Chevrolet Malibu, another assertion that neither of the officials would confirm. 

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Monday, November 15, 2010

President Hu Jintao & President Obama

Those two wild and crazy guys, President Hu Jintao & President Obama are back together again for a friendly talk about the little loan between friends.

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Monday, November 08, 2010

Man's Best Friend

Spot shows us why a dog is a man's best friend.

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Sunday, November 07, 2010

Twenty Second Day Of Forty Days of Gratitude

Another cold morning but we now have the heat on upstairs. The last several days we've kept warm using an electric blanket because Darryl wants to save money on our electric bill. Today was our first full day of heat so it was a bit easier to get out of bed this morning.

Another reason it was easier to get out of bed this morning was because the clocks had been turned back an hour. This mean I actually slept in until 6:50 am. Trust me, if you knew me that's pretty late. Usually the dogs have me up by then.

Sundays are usually my date with deals and today was no different. We were able to get some really good deals at CVS, Walgreens, and Kroger. My favorite part was stocking up on Annie's Macaroni and Cheese. I love Macaroni and Cheese and I remember when I used to buy Kraft Mac and Cheese for two for a dollar. Today I was able to buy Annie's Organic Macaroni and Cheese for only 49 cents. Ah the good old days. I was also excited about buying Blue Diamond Almond Milk for only 99 cents a half a gallon. What a great deal.

Our trip to Kroger today gave me my moment of gratitude. We bought a $300 gift card to donate to a local pantry so they could purchase turkey. Right now turkey is only 69 cents a pound and they should be able to get a few more turkeys than they thought originally.

Things may not be as good for us as they were a few years ago but I still feel blessed that we both have a job. I feel that it's important for us to help others who are hurting.

I am also blessed because my son Dan called me. He called because he felt I was the "thrifty store expert". Imagine that. He has a friend who lives in Atlanta who was looking for a thrift store so Dan called me to see if I knew of any good ones. I really don't know much about Atlanta. Darryl really doesn't like going there much so there is still much of Atlanta that I haven't seen. I couldn't help him but he thanked me anyway and told me that he loved me very much. Now who wouldn't feel grateful to have such a wonderful son love her?


Twenty Second Day Of Forty Days of Gratitude

Another cold morning but we now have the heat on upstairs. The last several days we've kept warm using an electric blanket because Darryl wants to save money on our electric bill. Today was our first full day of heat so it was a bit easier to get out of bed this morning.

Another reason it was easier to get out of bed this morning was because the clocks had been turned back an hour. This mean I actually slept in until 6:50 am. Trust me, if you knew me that's pretty late. Usually the dogs have me up by then.

Sundays are usually my date with deals and today was no different. We were able to get some really good deals at CVS, Walgreens, and Kroger. My favorite part was stocking up on Annie's Macaroni and Cheese. I love Macaroni and Cheese and I remember when I used to buy Kraft Mac and Cheese for two for a dollar. Today I was able to buy Annie's Organic Macaroni and Cheese for only 49 cents. Ah the good old days. I was also excited about buying Blue Diamond Almond Milk for only 99 cents a half a gallon. What a great deal!

Our trip to Kroger today gave me my moment of gratitude. We bought a $300 gift card to donate to a local pantry so they could purchase turkey. Right now turkey is only 69 cents a pound and they should be able to get a few more turkeys than they thought originally.

Things may not be as good for us as they were a few years ago but I still feel blessed that we both have a job. I feel that it's important for us to help others who are hurting.

I am also blessed because my son Dan called me. He called because he felt I was the "thrifty store expert". Imagine that. He has a friend who lives in Atlanta who was looking for a thrift store so Dan called me to see if I knew of any good ones. I really don't know much about Atlanta. Darryl really doesn't like going there much so there is still much of Atlanta that I haven't seen. I couldn't help him but he thanked me anyway and told me that he loved me very much. Now who wouldn't feel grateful to have such a wonderful son love her?


Friday, November 05, 2010

Day 20 Of Forty Days Of Gratitude

Forty Days Of Gratitude

Today I am grateful to know that I helped a young person make a positive change in his life.

I have a young man in my class who is dealing with incredibly difficult challenges. His parents are both dying. I don't want to get into the specifics in order to protect the young man's privacy.

He was going to another school last year and he was a basketball star there. If you googled his name you would see that he is a very talented young man. He moved here and for various reasons he is not eligible to play basketball. This is sad because I believe for him, basketball was his lifeline through trying times.

He's been spinning out of control with his behavior and associating with people who are going to drag him down.

In the beginning of the year he felt that I hated him because I gave him D-Hall for being late. I would also get on him when he wasn't' doing his work. He felt that Mrs. F hated him because she'd tell him not to run in the hall.

That has all changed now and he sees me as more of an ally who is trying to help him graduate. Today I showed him that he was passing but if he completed his test his grade would go up higher. He said he would and I hope he does.

I then told him how Mrs. F and I were in his corner cheering him on and that we were so proud of him but that in the end it's going to be all about him. He is going to be the second person in his family to graduate and I told him that life was a lot like basketball. It didn't matter who was cheering him on in the sidelines because in the end it's him and only him who can take a shot. His talent and skill will help him through but he's got to put forth the same kind of effort he would on the court.

He looked down and said, "You're right." I asked him about the people he chose for his team and he said, "I've gotten rid of some of those people who were pulling me down." I told him I was very proud of him and he asked if I would write his mom and note about that. I did. 


Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Day 18 Of Forty Days of Gratitude

You might be surprised when I express what I am grateful for today. You may just think, oh she's probably gloating about the election results. After all, this was the biggest shift in the legislature in 70 years. Imagine that. The Republicans retook the House and they barely missed taking over the Senate.

Ah but that's not really what I'm grateful for today. Today I got to see that my words can save a life. That is powerful and frightening.

I have one young lady who is often absent from class. She's at the point that if she missed two more days she will have failed for the semester. When she was out for three days recently I asked her why she was out and she said she had a migraine. I asked her if her doctor had diagnosed her as having migraines and what she takes for them.

I asked because I used to suffer migraines and before I was diagnosed I had to undergo some tests.

She told me that she had never seen a doctor and I asked her why. She shrugged her shoulders. I told her that she should see a doctor to make sure that she actually is having migraines and that it isn't something that could be potentially worse like blood clots or high blood pressure.

She was out from school again yesterday but today she came to class with a doctor's note. Turns out she has very high blood pressure and she had no clue. The doctor is starting her one treatment. I am so thankful that she took my suggestion and that she went to see a doctor.

I am also thankful that I could make a difference in the way a coworker was feeling. She was very upset about something someone said to her and when we talked she told me how much she appreciated me for hearing her out and letting her get it all off her chest.

I simply told her the truth, that she was an amazing woman and that she doesn't often recognize that in herself. I'm so glad we had the opportunity to speak.


Tuesday, November 02, 2010

On Election Night Don't Forget The Rent Is Too Damn High

I can't seem to get enough of this guy. Good luck to you tonight Jimmy McMillan!

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