It Might Take A While

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's Puppy Love For Casey Anthony

More photos were posted by the girl who hates being on camera via Twitter. Don't worry, she's not posting about the loss of her daughter. She just wants to share new photos of her and her future victim, I mean dog.

Life goes on for Casey. secretly dating a new man, is frequently out in public and has even been attending church. It's even rumored that she is working for this new man. I hope he sleeps with one eye open.

Who is this new man? The name Rob Hensley, a landscaper from Kansas has recently surfaced. Now you're probably asking yourself, just how does a landscaper from Kansas get to meet a quality woman who was acquitted of murdering her child. It appears that Hensely, Casey's new squeeze is her defense former attorney Jose Baez's cousin.

With this in mind would it surprise you to learn that Mr. Hensley may very well be the source of the videos and photos.

While it might surprise us that some genius decided the woman most of America believes killed her toddler daughter was a good candidate to adopt a living creature of any shape or size you might be comforted to know that that Hitler loved his dog Blondi. Well he did until he killed it by giving Blondi cyanide capsules.

When Blondi died Hitler became completely inconsolable, however if I remember correctly Casey wasn't inconsolable when her own daughter Caylee died. The again, Casey was found not guilty of killing her daughter now wasn't she.

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Not Another Snow Day

Ah yes grasshopper. It certainly is another snow day and our Superintendent probably wishes he hadn't given us today off. Looking into my Magic 8
Ball for guidance I feel we will have school tomorrow even though we may well open late.

Generally this means that we wind up only spending about 20 minutes in class which isn't much time to do anything. I've decided to scrap my plans for this week and look towards celebrating Martin Luther King Day with a Word Search.

Some might call this a cop-out but here's the truth. Some students, who are always looking for a reason to miss school will use tomorrow as a perfect day to call in sick. They will reason that missing one shortened day won't make a big difference AND school is off on Monday anyway so it only makes sense not to come to school.

It doesn't make sense introducing new curriculum to students who do attend only to have to spend time reteaching it on Tuesday when most students will then have returned to school.

Students who do attend will hold me personally responsible for the fact that they are in school and Floyd County schools have the day off. They will also want to share their survival stories with other students.

Sometimes it's just better to pick the road well traveled and move on from there.

Here is our Liddy Dog update. Last night I gave him his first round of meds. It appears he had an accident overnight with some blood but his right eye looks much better. The Vet had said he was having problems with his tear ducts in addition to his glaucoma. His eye is no longer red and the build-up that has been occurring on his eyes has noticeably improved.


Note to self, consulting the Magic 8 Ball does not necessarily provide the correct answer. If only it had at least said MAYBE instead of DEFINITELY when I posed the question, "Will there be school tomorrow?"

Yes boys and girls that's correct, there will be no school in Rome tomorrow. Oh there will be school for 12 month employees (I am not a 12 month employee) but as for everyone else, well not so much.

We return you now to your regularly scheduled life.

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