It Might Take A While

Monday, May 23, 2011

Who Are The Jurors In The Casey Anthony Case?

As with any trial, the members of the jury each bring their own personal experiences, beliefs, and prejudice into the court. This is why the voir dire is so important.

During the voir dire attorneys try to gain as much information as possible from potential jurors. It is the only chance an attorney has to affect the composition of the jury. Jury selection is the only time that they can directly interact with the people who will decide a defendant’s fate.

Here is a brief description of the jurors in the Casey Anthony case.

Let us all hope and pray that at the end of this trial, there will be justice for Caylee once and for all.

Juror 1
White female in 60s
Retired nurse and volunteer counselor.
She is married with two children.
Death penalty stance: “I value life. I also value the criminal justice system

Juror 2
African American male in 30s
An IT Worker
He is married, two children: a daughter that is four and son who is nine.
Death penalty stance: Does not believe in the death penalty. “God is the one that makes the final judgment.

Juror 3
White female, age 32, who has moved back in with her mom
Student in RN program
On a scale of 1 to 10, she rates the death penalty at “a three or a five.”

Juror 4
African American woman, about 40
Occupation Unknown
Prosecution tried to preempt challenge her. Defense objected that she was being eliminated just because of her race. Judge agreed
Plays games like Farmville
Doesn’t watch news
Does not like to judge people by what other people say about them.

Juror 5
White female in her 60s
Retired Nurse’s Aid
She had a DUI in 1998, and her son and grandson both had drug problems.
Death penalty stance: “I guess I believe in the death penalty. I’d have to know a lot of facts before I really considered it.”

Juror 6
White male, aged 33
He is married with two children, ages six and 21 months.
Could vote for the death penalty; “If the law dictated it, I would be able to follow it.”

Juror 7
White female, 41 years old
Works as administrative assistance in juvenile justice welfare
She maintains that she could vote to recommend the death penalty. “It would be — gosh — a solemn decision, but it is an option under the law.”

Juror 8
White female in 50s
Service rep and former manager for Verizon
She is married with two grown sons in their mid-twenties.
She would have no problem with the death penalty if warranted, provided she had heard “all the facts.”

Juror 9
White male, aged 53
Former Logger.
Has never married.
He supports the death penalty, and could vote to recommend it “in the proper situation.”

Juror 10
White male, aged 57
Verizon Retention Specialist:
Has never married.
His sister, along with her boyfriend, committed a violent crime against their dad. She spent time in prison.
He regards the death penalty as a “necessary option.”"It's set. It's an unfortunate result of actions."

Juror 11
White male in 30s
High school Physical Education and Health Teacher
States the death penalty is a “necessary option.”

Juror 12
White female in 40s
Publix supermarket employee
She has two children and one young grandchild.
Rating the death penalty as ten on a scale of one to ten, she would have no problem deciding on Life without Opportunity for Parole or the death penalty.

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