It Might Take A While

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Drew Peterson - G-U-I-L-T-Y

Today, Drew Peterson was found guilty of first degree murder of Kathleen Savio. If you haven't been following this case on the news or seen the made for TV movie Drew Peterson: Untouchable, then please allow me to give you a quick update on this case.

Peterson's divorce from Kathleen Savio was finalized on October 10, 2003.  It was reported that between 2002 and 2004, police were called out to the Peterson house 18 times on domestic disturbance calls, including calls for returning children late after visitation. 

On March 1, 2004, Kathleen Savio's body was found in a waterless bathtub. Her death was initially ruled an accidental drowning by a coroner's jury that included a police officer who personally knew Peterson and assured the other jurors that Peterson was 'a good man who would never hurt his wife.

Peterson had married Stacy Ann Cales in 2003.  Unfortunately, Drew has a bit of bad luck when it comes to wifes because October 28, 2007 Stacy disappeared. Stacy Peterson was officially reported missing in the early hours of October 29, 2007, after her sister, Cassandra Cales, failed to hear from her when expected. Drew Peterson claims that Stacy called him at 9 p.m. on Sunday to tell him that she had left him for another man and that she had left her car at Bollingbrook's Clow International Airport.

The last recorded words from Stacy Peterson were left on a voicemail on her father's answering machine on October 17 at 12:37 p.m., 11 days before she disappeared. The message said, "Hey dad! It's me, Stacy, I just wanted to call you and tell you I love you. I also wanted to give you my new phone number. Okay, love you."

Poor Drew, he has such rotten luck with the ladies doesn't he? 

Following the mysterious disappearance of his fourth wife Stacy on October 28, 2007, Peterson announced his plans to retire as a Bolingbrook police sergeant as of December 2007.

I was very concerned how this case would be jeopardized when prosecutors attempted to introduce evidence that was not allowed.  I thought he might walk, however, Peterson told a judge that he wanted to withdraw a request for a mistrial.  His lawyers said that he wants the current jury to decide if he killed his third wife.

It appears that Drew Peterson is not so untouchable as he once thought as he was convicted today of murdering Kathleen Savio.  He now faces up to 60 years in jail, with sentencing on November 26th.  His lawyers plan to appeal.

The prosecutor in this case say's they'll take another look at fourth wife's disappearance, if they're confident in the evidence they'll bring new charges.

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