It Might Take A While

Monday, January 07, 2013

Words Are Cheap

Wouldn't you know it?  The second day of my Love Expressed 21 Day Fast I received an offer to get a free tall drink at Starbucks.  For a split second I was excited until my inner conscience reminded me that I am supposed to stay Starbucks free until the 27th of this month.   That doesn't mean I can’t pass this offer off to you. 
Today’s devotional is about demonstrating your love for GOD.  GOD created us to be in a love relationship with Him – to love and to be loved.  GOD demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  We can demonstrate our love for Him by presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to GOD.  

One of the ways we demonstrate our love to GOD is when we pray to Him.  Prayer is a privilege and a blessing from GOD.  Our prayers may be of praise, thanksgiving, intercession, healing, seeking comfort, petitions, repentance, and every aspect of our life.
We demonstrate the love of GOD by our steadfastness and faithfulness to GOD even in the time of persecution and suffering. This means that we should never be ashamed of our faith and our relationship with the Lord while at work, at home, or in our community.

Just as Jesus was sent to this world as a message of His love, so you are to be that type person to those around you. GOD is looking for people whose hearts are fully committed to Him that He can bless and is able to use for His glory. GOD needs our time, talents, spiritual gifts, and a full heart when we serve Him.   
Make demonstrating your love for GOD a lifestyle.  Take some time today to consider all the ways GOD has expressed His love for you then respond by expressing you love back to Him.  

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