It Might Take A While

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Round Two Of The George Zimmerman Trial

With 40 potential jurists selected the filtering process begins anew to find the final six jurists and the four alternates. Also the “Frye Hearing” is set to resume with the State Prosecution recalling their expert, Tom Owen, to discuss whether the cries for help heard on the 911 call can be identified.

List of jurors and the order in which they will be grilled:

6/10 B-12 F 40s-50s White 1st interviewed, grandmother, lives 10 miles from scene.
6/10 B-29 F 40s Black Mother of 7, moved to Fla. from Chicago four months ago.
6/10 B-76 F 50s-60s White Seminole resident since 1981, could not ID Trayvon’s mother.
6/11 B-7 M 40s-50s White Noticed people taking sides, worried about anonymity after trial.
6/11 B-35 M 40s-50s Black Tax preparer, no opinion despite “pro-Trayvon” family/friends.
6/11 B-37 F 50s White Animal rescue volunteer, 2 grown daughters, multiple pets.
6/11 B-51 F 60s-70s White Retired, shooting “sad on both sides,” no interest in “limelight.”
6/11 B-86 F 40s-50s White School administration worker, heard Trayvon was “expelled.”
6/11 E-6 F 20s-30s White Warned kids not to give “false impression” about themselves.
6/11 E-40 F 50s-60s White Moved to Fla. from Iowa in Nov. 2012.
6/11 E-54 M 60s-70s White Son wears hoodies, told him to “be careful, be cautious.”
6/12 E-73 F 60s White Can’t “conceive” of being armed, son “lives in a hoodie.”
6/12 M-75 F 30s Black Friends split 60-40 for Trayvon, some friends studying law.
6/12 B-61 F 20s White Thought Zimmerman’s defense fund website was “unique.”
6/12 B-72 M 20s Mixed-Race Arm wrestler, school maintenance technician.
6/12 E-22 F 50-60 Black Case a “volatile issue,” police “not proactive” enough.
6/12 E-13 F 20s White Lives with parents, brother is black.
6/12 E-28 F 50s-60s White Hospital O.R. worker (Someone’s cell phone went off.)
6/13 K-80 F 40s-50s White Sequestration “biggest fear,” judge announced 2-4 weeks.
6/13 K-95 F 40s-50s White Parent/student, “At my age, going to school is hard.”
6/13 P-67 M 40s-50s Hispanic Born in Mexico, wants on jury to “give back” to country.
6/13 G-14 F 40s-50s White Wants to hear facts, doesn’t want “false assumptions.”
6/14 G-29 F 30s Black “I try to stay uninvolved,” reaction to summons: “Not again.”
6/14 G-47 M 20s White Restaurant asst. manager, ignores local news, “happy person.”
6/14 G-63 M 20s Mixed-Race “Very mixed-race,” talked about “archetypes” like “bro.”
6/14 G-66 F 50s White Watches news every day, protests “disruptive.”
6/14 G-81 M 30s-40s Black Spoke about violence against African-American males.
6/14 H-6 M 30s-40s White Early media coveraged favored Trayvon, now balanced.
6/17 H-7 M 50s-60s White “Big brouhaha” in Sanford, media has “anti-gun atmosphere.”
6/17 H-18 M 30s Hispanic Self-employed mechanic, doesn’t discuss politics or race.
6/17 H-29 M 60s White Shooting negative on city, activists got people stirred up.
6/17 H-35 F 20s-30s White Moving at end of the month, has “social anxiety.”
6/18 H-81 M 50s Mixed-Race Has 2 civil cases pending before same judge.
6/18 H-69 F 30s Hispanic More than 5 months pregnant.
6/18 H-86 F 20s-30s White Didn’t follow case, just bought a TV.
6/18 I-5 M 50s-60s Black “I don’t see how you get a fair trial” with media coverage.
6/18 I-19 F 18-20s White No interest in case, job won’t pay her for jury duty.
6/18 I-24 F 50s-60s White Believes “no one is a winner” in this case.
6/18 I-33 M 50s-60s White Gray goatee, “just learned how to email.”
6/18 I-44 M 30s Mixed-Race “Sports nut,” says “Everyone has an opinion, and they all stink.”

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