It Might Take A While

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Did Selene Bahdoor Hurt The Prosecution's Case?

Sanford police Sgt. Anthony Raimondo, one of the first officers to arrive testified that when he arrived at the scene he saw Zimmerman in handcuffs, and another officer standing over Trayvon who was face down in the grass at the scene after the shooting described arriving at the scene

A particularly emotional part of the trial was when the photos of Trayvon's body were shown in court while Sgt Raimondo was on the stand.  Trayvon's father, Tracy left the room.  One photo was a close-up image of the bullet hole in Trayvon's chest.

Witness #9, Selene Bahadoor, lived in the complex where Trayvon was shot.  She heard screaming that sounded like "no."

O'Mara asked Selene Bahadoor why she has a post on her FB page that says "prosecute the killer of our son".  She confirms that was on her page after O'Mara shows her but doesn't recall signing the petition.  She says she feels sympathy for both families 

if she liked the Justice for Trayvon Martin Facebook page. She did. When asked if she ever liked the Justice for #Zimmerman page she said that she did not.

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