It Might Take A While

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Trayvon Martin's Family Now Claims This Case Is NOT About Race

Are you sitting down?  Trayvon's attorney, Darryl Parks declared that race is NOT a part of this trial.

During the first couple days of trial the prosecutors argued that Zimmerman profiled Trayvon Martin due to his race.  Parks however, insists that "we never claimed this was about race,"

Reporters asked if that statement doesn't come across as disingenuous after the parents appeared with Civil Rights leaders claiming that race was the 800 pound gorilla in the room. The headlines and talking heads repeated the mantra that Zimmerman was not arrested for shooting Trayvon due to unequal justice between for minority victims.

Let's be honest this circus has never been about anything BUT race.  The state caved to demands that came from the community and yes, even the President of the United States who insisted that race wasn't just the primary reason for Zimmerman but indeed the ONLY reason that he shot the unarmed teenager.

Demands for Zimmerman's arrest were stoked when NBC News edited the 911 tape of Zimmerman's call to the police to falsely portray him as a racist.  Racial tensions were stirred further when prominent black figures like Spike Lee and Jesse Jackson who immediately portrayed this incident as an assault on the black community.  Even President Barack Obama got on the race bait train stating, "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."

A large segment of the population, particularly the black population are demanding that Zimmerman be punished.  Many are vocal that riots may ensue if these demands are not satisfied.

There were/are fears of Rodney King type riots if there is no conviction and when one listens to the evidence it sounds less and less like there will be one.

In fact,  political strategist Charles D Ellison warns that, "There is a risk of a flashpoint as intense as the aftermath of that fateful Los Angles police brutality verdict in 1992," if Zimmerman walks free

This video is a must see!!!!

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