It Might Take A While

Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Teenage Boy Is Dead And By The Way It's All About Me

I didn't learn about Alicia Stanley's interview until the day after it was televised but when I learned that she concurred with the parents of Trayvon Martin that this case was not about racial profiling I knew I had to watch.  After all this is Trayvon's step mother one would have to believe that she also cares this dead teen.  What I learned very quickly upon watching this video was that this interview was much more about Ms. Stanley than it was about giving insight to the final hours of Trayvon's life.

First of all I wrongly assumed that Ms. Stanley was the woman who was engaged to Travyon's father and owned the condo where he was staying.  As you already know that one should never assume especially when we are talking about this case.

Alicia Stanley met Tracy Martin about a year before he offically divorced from Trayvon's mother Sybrina Fulton.  Tracy and Alicia were married for 14 years before he met Brandi the woman who owned the condo were Trayvon was staying that night.

Alicia tells viewers that in fact SHE was the one who was there for Trayvon and that he stayed at HER house 85% of the time.

Alicia says that she never knew the Trayvon that the press has portrayed and the she saw him.  Her words speak to the love she held for the young man she helped raise

I always find it interesting that two people can see or hear the exact same thing but come away with diametrically different memories of the same event.  What I noted was pain Ms. Alicia expresses about the loss of Trayvon as well as the fact that she did not believe that the tragedy of this young man's death was not caused by a rabid racist named George Zimmerman

On the other hand I noticed that she received a great deal of criticism because she was very offended that she was not sitting in the front row at the funeral. Still others were upset that Alicia intimated that the relationship between Trayvon and his own mother may not have been a close and loving one.

It is interesting to note that Trayvon's school attendance and grades began to suffer once he returned to live with his mother.  His records also indicate multiple school suspensions for vandalism, vulgarity, theft, burglary, drug use, and street fights.One could easily say that the warning lights were flashing but the adults in his life were not heeding the warning.

Trayvon was at an age when kids really need control and stability.  While Trayvon may have indeed liked living with his mother because it allowed him freedom to do as he pleased deep down he felt like a rudderless ship drifting in a sea of uncertainty.

Did Trayvon, like many young people struggling with the lack of developemental skills to navigate a world he sees as a threatening place/  When he saw that Zimmerman was following him, did he  seek control  by becoming aggressive, argumentative, impulsive and agitated?  He was only feet from the condo where he was staying, why did he not go home?  Why did he not call 911 when he first saw Zimmerman and felt he was being followed rather than hang on the phone with a friend?

Remember, Zimmerman was not charged in the shooting originally because there was no grounds to disprove his account of self-defense and the assertion that Martin had attacked him.

According to Zimmerman Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem.  Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police.  Trayvon then said, "Well you do now" or something similar and punched Zimmerman in the nose according to the account he gave police.

Not only does some eye witness testimony affirm Zimmerman's account but so does some of the physical evidence.

I can't help but think that if one adult had said, "This is not about me, this is about Trayvon this situation may have turned out differently."


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Trayvon Martin's Family Now Claims This Case Is NOT About Race

Are you sitting down?  Trayvon's attorney, Darryl Parks declared that race is NOT a part of this trial.

During the first couple days of trial the prosecutors argued that Zimmerman profiled Trayvon Martin due to his race.  Parks however, insists that "we never claimed this was about race,"

Reporters asked if that statement doesn't come across as disingenuous after the parents appeared with Civil Rights leaders claiming that race was the 800 pound gorilla in the room. The headlines and talking heads repeated the mantra that Zimmerman was not arrested for shooting Trayvon due to unequal justice between for minority victims.

Let's be honest this circus has never been about anything BUT race.  The state caved to demands that came from the community and yes, even the President of the United States who insisted that race wasn't just the primary reason for Zimmerman but indeed the ONLY reason that he shot the unarmed teenager.

Demands for Zimmerman's arrest were stoked when NBC News edited the 911 tape of Zimmerman's call to the police to falsely portray him as a racist.  Racial tensions were stirred further when prominent black figures like Spike Lee and Jesse Jackson who immediately portrayed this incident as an assault on the black community.  Even President Barack Obama got on the race bait train stating, "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."

A large segment of the population, particularly the black population are demanding that Zimmerman be punished.  Many are vocal that riots may ensue if these demands are not satisfied.

There were/are fears of Rodney King type riots if there is no conviction and when one listens to the evidence it sounds less and less like there will be one.

In fact,  political strategist Charles D Ellison warns that, "There is a risk of a flashpoint as intense as the aftermath of that fateful Los Angles police brutality verdict in 1992," if Zimmerman walks free

This video is a must see!!!!

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Alec Baldwin - Back On The Rant Again

George Stark, Mail Online reporter, is the latest target of Alec Baldwin's ire.  Stark said that Baldwin’s wife, Hilaria Thomas, had tweeted about smoothies and shopping tips during James Gandolfini’s funeral during James Gandolfini’s funeral.

Baldwin responded by saying that his did no such thing and then vowed to tween at Mr. Stark's funeral. 

Baldwin reveals what a class act he is by tweeting: 

“George Stark, you lying little b----h. I am gonna f%#@ you up,”

Next came a pair of tweets tinged with gay slurs.

“(I’d) put my foot up your f---king ass, George Stark, but I’m sure you’d dig it too much,” Baldwin wrote.

“I’m gonna find you, George Stark, you toxic little queen, and I’m gonna”

Temper, tempter Mr. Baldwin.  Remember that's not your daughter you're talking to.

Alas, unlike Paula Deen, Baldwin the uber-liberal leaning star will not bear any fall-out for his anti-gay statements.  He wisely shut down his account so as to effectively scrub clean his online rant.  Sadly for Mr. Baldwin the old adage about things being out in cyber-space forever is true but don't hold your breath for any backlash.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rachel Jeantel - Round Two

Rachel Jeantel returned to the stand today to continue her cross-examination.  It is obvious to even the most casual observer Ms. Jeantel has been instructed as to proper courtroom decorum.

West says that Jeantel had earlier said to Trayvon, "Whate are you talking about"  Later her testimony was that Zimmerman had asked Trayvon "What are you doing around here?"  Since both statements were made under oath, this could be a difficult situation for the prosecution.

One thing I find particularly odd is that according to Jeantel's testimony, Trayvon's mother Sybrina Fulton was sitting next her as she gave her interview with the state's attorney and law enforcement for the first time.  I don't believe this is standard procedure.

Later, Jeantel was asked to read a letter that was sent to Martin's mother describing what she allegedly heard on a phone call moments before he was shot.

A hush went through the packed courtroom when she admitted that she couldn't read the letter because she doesn't read cursive.

As a teacher, hearing Rachel admit that as a student on the cusp of graduation is unable to read is a tragedy.  Many people are sidestepping the fact that her speaking skills will cripple her in the job market determined to show how PC they are.  The fact is that in an already tight job market Rachel will experience a great deal of difficulty in finding and keeping a job based on the skills she brings to the workplace.  Couple this with the attitude she displayed yesterday we should be asking why the schools, her parents, and the community didn't provide with the life skills she will need as she continues in her life after this trial.

In a case the highlights charges of racial profiling and race relations I find this young lady's testimony a sad testament to the chasm that lies in the education available to inner-city students all these many years after the advent of busing and integration.

I'm on the subject of cultural divide an incident happened today showing the need for lawyers to become more social media savvy.

During a proffer Bernie de la Rionda asked a witness (Jenna Lauer) if  why she was following Robert Zimmerman, Jr (George Zimmerman's brother) on Twitter.  She claimed she didn't think she was.  At that moment de la Rionda acted like he had a Perry Mason moment and strode up to the stand computer in hand.  He pointed out that Robert Zimmerman was "FOLLOWING" and asked her suspiciously about his proof that she was following him.  In fact Robert Zimmerman was following her but she did not follow back.  Heck I have people following me that I don't follow back I hope none of them are involved in any nefarious actions or I may find myself questioned about who is following me.

de la Rionda didn't seem to be one to let a good conspiracy theory lie said, "Well if you're not following him why is he asking to follow you?"  He pointed to the area on the side of twitter that comes under the category "Who To Follow"  Right at this moment Hanes (the underwear folks) and Verison are in my que.  Sorry guys not going to follow back  It was then pointed out that she had never tweeted not once.

I found the moment of the allegation that she might be pulling something over on him funny in the sense of showing his age.  I know if I have questions about social media I ask a teen because they are all over it.  Maybe Mr. de la Rionda should hire a teen to translate social media for his firm.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Key Witness For The Prosecution Testifies At The Zimmerman Trial Today

Here's today's updates in the trial of George Zimmerman.

An alternate juror, identified as a 22-year old single Hispanic man was dismissed for reasons unrelated to the case.

After reviewing case law, the judge has ruled that the state may introduce calls George Zimmerman had previously made to the police.

Today the  prosecution put their star witness in the George Zimmerman on the stand prosecution The witness, 19-year-old Rachel Jeantel (Dee Dee, aka Diamond) was the last person to speak to Trayvon before he was shot.

In April of 2012 Jeantel told Florida investigators that a scared Martin told her he was being followed by a white man as he walked through a gated community in Sanford. Jeantel contends that she heard Martin ask the man, "Why you following me for?"  The "old man," she added replied, "What you doing around here?

Earlier this year, government lawyers acknowledged that Jeantel lied under oath when she claimed that the reason she did not attend Martin's funeral was due to a hospitalization.

To say that Ms. Jeantel does NOT seem to grasp the gravity of the situation is an understatement. At one point she asks attorney John West if he watches the show The First 48 Hours.  Later, when she learns that West would need more hours of cross-examination and redirect, Jentel gasps "WHAT!"

Ms. Jeantel has used her Twitter account to occasionally comment about the murder case.


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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Did Selene Bahdoor Hurt The Prosecution's Case?

Sanford police Sgt. Anthony Raimondo, one of the first officers to arrive testified that when he arrived at the scene he saw Zimmerman in handcuffs, and another officer standing over Trayvon who was face down in the grass at the scene after the shooting described arriving at the scene

A particularly emotional part of the trial was when the photos of Trayvon's body were shown in court while Sgt Raimondo was on the stand.  Trayvon's father, Tracy left the room.  One photo was a close-up image of the bullet hole in Trayvon's chest.

Witness #9, Selene Bahadoor, lived in the complex where Trayvon was shot.  She heard screaming that sounded like "no."

O'Mara asked Selene Bahadoor why she has a post on her FB page that says "prosecute the killer of our son".  She confirms that was on her page after O'Mara shows her but doesn't recall signing the petition.  She says she feels sympathy for both families 

if she liked the Justice for Trayvon Martin Facebook page. She did. When asked if she ever liked the Justice for #Zimmerman page she said that she did not.

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Knock Knock. Who's There? The George Zimmerman Trial

Opening arguments began in the George Zimmerman murder trial. Zimmerman, a former volunteer crime watchman in Sanford, Fla., is accused of profiling, pursuing and fatally shooting Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teen, in February 2012.

In opening statements the prosecutor told jurors that George Zimmerman fatally shot Trayvon Martin "because he wanted to," not because he had to, Zimmerman's attorney said the deadly shooting of the Miami-area teen was carried out in self-defense.

The prosecutor, John Guy painted Zimmerman as an angry, out-of-control vigilante who stalked Trayvon Martin before shooting the teen.

Don West, Zimmerman's attorney began with a knock-knock joke of all things.

Knock Knock
Who's there?
George Zimmerman
George Zimmerman who?
Okay, good.  You're on the jury.

West later apologized for the joke but so far it appears he is stumbling over his points during the opening statement.  Instead of driving his points home he misspeaks and then corrects himself.  He may be confusing the jurors with his bases and confusing chronological timeline.

One thing that Mr. West did that I thought was effective was having the judge read the statute for 2nd degree TWICE.  This forces the jurors to look for the elements of this charge as the evidence is presented in this trial.

The second-degree homicide statute defines it as:  the unlawful killing of a human being, when perpetrated by an act imminently dangerous to another and evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although without any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual.  Second degree murder is punishable by imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life. 

Now there's distraction in the courtroom as a courtroom spectator accuses the father of Trayvon Martin of making a threat at him.  The alleged event was said to have happened about two weeks ago. 

The judge ruled that both of Trayvon's parents have the absolute right to attend the trial.  The judge did not find there to be a reason for concern after hearing the testimony about the alleged threat.

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

George Zimmerman Case UPDATE - The Frye Decision

A decision has been reached in the George Zimmerman case regarding the admissibility of scientific evidence regarding the screaming in the infamous 911 call.

An FBI official who had been called by the defense had said that the recording was too short and didn't meet the standards needed to be evaluated.  Another defense exert said you couldn't identify a voice that is screaming no matter how long the recording.

On Friday, Judge Nelson told the prosecutor to "stay away" from using the term "racial profiling.:  She made the decision after saying case law suggest the phrase "racial profiling" should not be used in court.

George Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial for the death of Trayvon Martin is scheduled to get underway on Monday.  

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Friday, June 21, 2013

They're Alive! Reptile Day At Fernbank July 20

Fernbank Museum’s annual Reptile Day will give visitors an opportunity to get up-close with dozens of lizards, snakes, turtles, and even a few amphibians. This popular event will take place on Saturday, July 20, 2013, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

A variety of reptiles—both exotic and native to Georgia—will be on display in the Museum’s Great Hall for visitors to examine up close. Some animals also will be available for visitors to touch.  Adding to the excitement, Fernbank is partnering with the Georgia Herpetological Society, Georgia Reptile Society, Atlanta Wild Animal Rescue Effort (AWARE), Oxbow Meadows Environmental Learning Center, Atlanta Herpetology Club – Georgia State University, Atlanta Botanical Garden and Zoo Atlanta for plenty of reptile opportunities. Visitors are encouraged to ask questions and learn more about the importance of these exceptional animals.

Fernbank educators will also feature some of the cool critters from the museum’s live animal collection in special Remarkable Reptile presentations at select times. Not everything involves a live animal, though. For both the skittish and stylish, visitors can also enjoy making faux snakes during Fernbank’s snake bracelet craft activity.

Reptile Day is included with Museum admission, which is FREE for members, $17.50 for adults, $16.50 for students and seniors, $15.50 for children ages 3-12, and free for children ages 2 and under.

Fernbank Museum of Natural History is located at 767 Clifton Road in Atlanta. For more information and tickets, visit or call 404.929.6300.

Support for Fernbank's Reptile Day provided in part by YP, Local Search Media and Advertising.


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Paula Deen Dropped By The Food Network

As a business teacher, I am always interested in successful women.  What inspired them?  What sacrifices did they make?  What challenges did they face?

To answer those questions I read two of Paula's books and learned that she married young and divorced when she was in her twenties.  She found herself the mother of two young sons with $200 to her name.

Her cooking career began simply as a catering service making sandwiches and meals which her sons Jaimie and Bobby delivered.

Eventually Paula's business, The Bag Lady, outgrew its humble beginnings and in January 1996 she opened her own restaurant.   Her restaurant, The Lady & Sons eventually moved to a larger building in Savannah's historic district. In 1999 USA Today named her restaurant, The Lady & Sons the "International Meal of the Year.

Deen's relationship with the Food Network began in 1999 and in June 2007 she won a Daytime Emmy Award for her show Paula's Home Cooking.

So what happened?  Why are Paula and The Food Network parting ways?  The answer is lay in allegations that Paula had used racial slurs during depositions for a lawsuit brought by a former employee, Lisa Jackson.

It is alleged that "In the presence of Ms. Jackson and Uncle Bubba's restaurant manager and vendor, Bubba Heirs stated they should send President Obama to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico so that he could N**er-rig it.

According to the court documents, the plaintiff stated that she was appointed by Deen to handle the catering and staff for Bubba's wedding in 2007 and she asked Deen what the servers should wear:  "Well what I would rally like is a bunch of little n**ers to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts, and bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around."  the plaintiff alleged Deen told her.  "Now that would be a true Southern wedding wouldn't it?  But we can't do that because the media would be on me about that."

In her deposition for the suit Deen stated that she used the "N Word" at times saying "Yes of course" she did and acknowleged making racist jokes though she claims she is not racist.  "It's just what they are--they're jokes..most jokes are about Jewish people, rednecks, black folks..I can't determine what offends another person."

Paula was suppose to appear on the Today show to speak about the controversy bt was a no show.  Instead she released three videos.  In the first 46-second video Deen addresses what she deems as the inappropriate language that was totally unacceptable.

In the second video Deen reiterates her apology stating "Your color of your skin, your religion, your sexal preference does not matter to me.  It's what's in the heart and my family and I try to live by that

Deen then released a short third video apologizing to Matt Lauer for not appearing on his show as originally planned.

Can Paula Deen repair her brand?  Perhaps.  I think it depends upon what kind of outreach she makes to the black community and the passage of time.  In the end it will be a strong fan base that will help Paula recover from this blow to her career.


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Thursday, June 20, 2013

All-Female Jury Chosen For George Zimmerman's Trial

A jury of six women, five of them white and the other a minority, was selected today to hear the second-degree murder trial of George Zimmerman.

Here are some details about the jurors that were selected

*  B-29: A Hispanic nurse on an Alzeimer's ward.
*  B-76: A white, middle-aged woman who is unemployed. She formerly worked with her husband in his construction company
*  B-37: A middle-aged white woman who has worked for a chiropractor.
*  B-51: A retired white woman. She used to work in real estate. She also ran a call center in Brevard County which she said had 1,200 employees.
*  E-6: A young white woman and mother who used to work in financial services. 
*  E-40: A white woman in her 60s who described herself as a safety officer,

These are the alternates:

*  E-54: A middle-aged white man
B-72: A young, possibly Hispanic man who does maintenance at a school and competes in arm wrestling tournaments
*  E-13: A young white woman who goes to college and works two jobs, one of them as a surgical assistant.
*  E-28: A middle-aged white woman who has worked as a nurse for 26 years.

Meanwhile, the "Frye Hearing" is set to resume with the State Prosecution recalling their expert, Tom Owen, to discuss whether the cries for help heard on the 911 call can be identified.

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'Sopranos' Star James Gandolfini Dead At 51

James Gandolfini best known for his role as an anxiety-ridden mob boss, Tony Saprano, on HBO's "The Sopranos," died Wednesday.  The Emmy-winning star of The Sapranos suffered a possible heart attack while in Italy, where he was attending the Taormina Film Festival. He was 51.

Gandolfini first found fame in 1992 when he landed a role in a Broadway version of "A Streetcar Named Desire" alongside Alec Baldwin and Jessica Lange.

Shortly after, he went on to play a hitman in the 1993 movie "True Romance."

Gandolfini won three Emmy Awards for Best Actor in a Drama and eventually earned $1 million per episode.  

Gandolfini is survived by his wife, Deborah Lin; his daughter Liliana, born last October and a teenage son, Michael, from his previous marriage to March Wudarsk.  

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Round Two Of The George Zimmerman Trial

With 40 potential jurists selected the filtering process begins anew to find the final six jurists and the four alternates. Also the “Frye Hearing” is set to resume with the State Prosecution recalling their expert, Tom Owen, to discuss whether the cries for help heard on the 911 call can be identified.

List of jurors and the order in which they will be grilled:

6/10 B-12 F 40s-50s White 1st interviewed, grandmother, lives 10 miles from scene.
6/10 B-29 F 40s Black Mother of 7, moved to Fla. from Chicago four months ago.
6/10 B-76 F 50s-60s White Seminole resident since 1981, could not ID Trayvon’s mother.
6/11 B-7 M 40s-50s White Noticed people taking sides, worried about anonymity after trial.
6/11 B-35 M 40s-50s Black Tax preparer, no opinion despite “pro-Trayvon” family/friends.
6/11 B-37 F 50s White Animal rescue volunteer, 2 grown daughters, multiple pets.
6/11 B-51 F 60s-70s White Retired, shooting “sad on both sides,” no interest in “limelight.”
6/11 B-86 F 40s-50s White School administration worker, heard Trayvon was “expelled.”
6/11 E-6 F 20s-30s White Warned kids not to give “false impression” about themselves.
6/11 E-40 F 50s-60s White Moved to Fla. from Iowa in Nov. 2012.
6/11 E-54 M 60s-70s White Son wears hoodies, told him to “be careful, be cautious.”
6/12 E-73 F 60s White Can’t “conceive” of being armed, son “lives in a hoodie.”
6/12 M-75 F 30s Black Friends split 60-40 for Trayvon, some friends studying law.
6/12 B-61 F 20s White Thought Zimmerman’s defense fund website was “unique.”
6/12 B-72 M 20s Mixed-Race Arm wrestler, school maintenance technician.
6/12 E-22 F 50-60 Black Case a “volatile issue,” police “not proactive” enough.
6/12 E-13 F 20s White Lives with parents, brother is black.
6/12 E-28 F 50s-60s White Hospital O.R. worker (Someone’s cell phone went off.)
6/13 K-80 F 40s-50s White Sequestration “biggest fear,” judge announced 2-4 weeks.
6/13 K-95 F 40s-50s White Parent/student, “At my age, going to school is hard.”
6/13 P-67 M 40s-50s Hispanic Born in Mexico, wants on jury to “give back” to country.
6/13 G-14 F 40s-50s White Wants to hear facts, doesn’t want “false assumptions.”
6/14 G-29 F 30s Black “I try to stay uninvolved,” reaction to summons: “Not again.”
6/14 G-47 M 20s White Restaurant asst. manager, ignores local news, “happy person.”
6/14 G-63 M 20s Mixed-Race “Very mixed-race,” talked about “archetypes” like “bro.”
6/14 G-66 F 50s White Watches news every day, protests “disruptive.”
6/14 G-81 M 30s-40s Black Spoke about violence against African-American males.
6/14 H-6 M 30s-40s White Early media coveraged favored Trayvon, now balanced.
6/17 H-7 M 50s-60s White “Big brouhaha” in Sanford, media has “anti-gun atmosphere.”
6/17 H-18 M 30s Hispanic Self-employed mechanic, doesn’t discuss politics or race.
6/17 H-29 M 60s White Shooting negative on city, activists got people stirred up.
6/17 H-35 F 20s-30s White Moving at end of the month, has “social anxiety.”
6/18 H-81 M 50s Mixed-Race Has 2 civil cases pending before same judge.
6/18 H-69 F 30s Hispanic More than 5 months pregnant.
6/18 H-86 F 20s-30s White Didn’t follow case, just bought a TV.
6/18 I-5 M 50s-60s Black “I don’t see how you get a fair trial” with media coverage.
6/18 I-19 F 18-20s White No interest in case, job won’t pay her for jury duty.
6/18 I-24 F 50s-60s White Believes “no one is a winner” in this case.
6/18 I-33 M 50s-60s White Gray goatee, “just learned how to email.”
6/18 I-44 M 30s Mixed-Race “Sports nut,” says “Everyone has an opinion, and they all stink.”

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Elbert Guillory: "Why I Am a Republican"

Louisiana Senator Elbert Guillory (R-Opelousas) explains why he recently switched from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party. He discusses the history of the Republican Party, founded as an Abolitionist Movement in 1854. Guillory talks about how the welfare state is only a mechanism for politicians to control the black community.

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Could It Be That Baby Levon Has Been Found?

There are rumors that the body of nine month old Levon Wameling has been discovered in a blue bag which was located on James Street in Utica, NY.  If this is true it is a very sad answer to the question of where is baby Levon.

It has been learned that this is not the first time Levon's father, Jevon Wameling has been questioned about the welfare of a child.  Back in 2005 a thirteen-day old baby was found dead on its mother's chest.  The mother and baby were sleeping next to the baby when the baby's maternal grandmother discovered that the baby was not breathing.

The official outcome of that baby's autopsy reports the official cause of death as suffocation.  No charges were filed against either parent and the death was thought to have been accidental.

Now, as police begin their second week of searching for Levon, Utica police officials say they plan to take another look at the previous baby’s death.

But that re-investigation will have to come at a later time, since the main focus right now is for police to find out what happened to Levon, Utica police Chief Mark Williams said Tuesday.

**********  UPDATE  ***********

Nine month-old Levon Wameling is still missing.  Utica Police are asking for your help in finding him.  Earlier rumors that the body was found in a garbage bag are NOT true.

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Volunteers Sought To Help In Search Of Levon Wameling

The Utica Police Department is seeking volunteers to help in the search of 9-month-old Levon Wameling.
Residents who are interested in helping can call 223-3510 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today. Volunteers are needed to hand out flyers and others will be needed to help with the search.

Police also advised residents to check their yards and the immediate area near their homes and have asked anyone with information about the child's whereabouts to contact the Utica Police Department at 223-3503.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Utah Man Shoots Father-in-Law In Head During Catholic Mass

Charles Richard Jennings Jr. is in custody after allegedly walking into a Catholic church and shooting his father-in-law in the back of the head on Sunday.

Investigators say 35-year-old Charles Richard Jennings Jr. was captured Sunday afternoon in nearby Box Elder County after fleeing in a stolen pickup truck.

The shooting happened as parishioners were lining p to take communion.  Witnesses say they heard one gunshot during the 11:30 a.m. Mass at Saint James the Just Catholic Church and that parishioners immediately hit the floor while several men chased the shooter.

The victim, James Evans, was taken to McKay-Dee Hospital in Ogden, where he was listed in critical but stable condition.  Evans will need reconstructive surgery and rehab to learn to swallow and speak again.

Jennings was booked on suspicion of attempted aggravated criminal homicide, aggravated robbery and possession of a firearm by a restricted user. The Weber County District Attorney is expected to file formal charges Tuesday.


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Levon Wameling Is Missing

Stop me if you've heard this story before.  A child goes missing.  The parent of the missing child does not report the child's disappearance.  The grandparents contact the police to make a missing child report.

No this is not a rehash of the Casey Anthony child.  This is the story of Levon Wameling who was reported missing Tuesday to the Oneida County District Attorney Scott McNamara, who immediately notified police.

The missing child was staying with Jevon Wameling, his father while Amy Warney, the child's mother was at a drug rehabilitation facility. 

Wameling told police Levon disappeared two weeks earlier when Wameling left the baby unattended on the front porch wearing nothing but a diaper. Wameling said he left the baby alone while was trying to get back into his home after locking himself out of the house.

Though he is not a suspect, police are treating Wameling as a "person of interest".  Wameling has requested an attorney and is refusing to speak with the police.

A quick look at Wameling's criminal history indicates that he was charged with resisting arrest, escaping policy custody and harassment in May 2010 after being arrested for allegedly possessing metal knuckles.  In 2009, he was convicted of marijuana possession. 

Neighbors indicate that the police were called to Wameling's home on a "weekly basis" because of screaming. 

Utica Police say they are continuing to search for the baby, but were not at liberty to specify the locations they are currently searching.

Police say they are aware of a movement by area residents on Facebook to organize a search for baby Levon, but are asking residents not to do so.

They are also advising citizens not to search the nearby area of the father's home on Jay Street as it may contaminate the area police are searching.

Police ask that Utica residents only search their own property and areas just outside of their homes at this time.  They say there may be a time when they ask for the public to assist in an organized search but they are not requesting that now. 

If you have any information on missing Levon Wameling you are asked to call the National Center for Missing and Exploited  Children at 1-800-THE-LOST

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Friday, June 14, 2013

Dismissed Juror Trespasses Today In The George Zimmerman Trial

A potential juror in the George Zimmerman trial who was dismissed earlier in the week over a Facebook post has been escorted from the Seminole County Criminal Justice Center after showing back up to the courthouse Friday.

The potential juror was identified as 55-year-old unemployed painter and guitar player, Jerry Conelis.  Counelis was eliminated from the jury pool on Wednesday after defense attorneys found a posting from him on a Facebook page from 2012.

According to the trespassing report Counelis walked into the foyer of the jury assembly and expressed his privacy concerns and animosity toward the jury process to the clerk. 

Authorities approached Counelis and said that as a dismissed juror he could not be in the jury assembly area or have any conatct with potential jurors until after the trial.  


Soleil Moon Frye and Nexcare give Celebrate World Blood Donor Day and Encourage People to Donate

This Friday - June 14th marks the 10th anniversary of World Blood Donor Day. In honor of this heroic day, Nexcare Bandages in partnership with the American Red Cross and America’s Blood Centers is excited to announce the launch of the 5th annual Nexcare give campaign to help spread awareness about the he vital need for blood donation during the summer months.

To help bring awareness to this need, Nexcare give is partnering with mother, actress and American Red Cross spokesperson Soleil Moon Frye to conduct an annual nationwide blood donation campaign encouraging Americans to donate blood and bring attention to World Blood Donor Day on Friday, June 14.

Beginning Today and throughout this week leading up to World Blood Donor Day (Friday, June 14), your readers can receive free samples of the 2013 Nexcare give Bandage Collection by donating blood at participating local American Red Cross or America’s Blood Center locations. Your readers can find these blood centers by visiting the Nexcare give Facebook page, where they can also share their personal blood donation stories with their friends and the broader give community and pledge to support blood donation.

Did you know?

*  One pint of blood can save up to three lives

*   Blood shortages occur most frequently in summer due to vacation schedules

*  Someone needs blood every two seconds

*   If 1 percent more Americans gave blood, all national blood shortages would disappear for the foreseeable future

*  Most Americans will require a blood transfusion at some point in their lives

*  Donors can give whole blood up to 6 times a year

About America’s Blood Centers

Founded in 1962, America’s Blood Centers is North America’s largest network of community-based, independent blood programs. Recognized by the U.S. Congress for its critical work in patient care and disaster preparedness and response, the federation operates more than 600 blood donor centers providing nearly half of the U.S., and a quarter of the Canadian blood supply.

These blood centers serve more than 150 million people and provide blood products and services to more than 3,500 hospitals and healthcare facilities across North America. America’s Blood Centers’ U.S. members are licensed and regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Canadian members are regulated by Health Canada.

For more information, please visit 

About the American Red Cross:
The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies nearly half of the nation's blood; teaches lifesaving skills; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a charitable organization — not a government agency — and depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit or join our blog at

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Potential Stealth Juror Outed At The Zimmerman Trial

It appeared that there was a deliberate attempt by E7 to deceive the court as to his state of mind in order to obtain a seat on the jury, deny Zimmerman his Constitutional rights to a fair and impartial jury, and obtain an improper conviction of Zimmerman for murder in the second degree.

Juror E7 who is describe as a white male, in his 50′s, works in the entertainment industry (a musician and a painter) but says he is currently “underemployed” and “things are slow.”

At first he claimed he made a conscious decision to avoid the case and not discuss it to prevent “making enemies,” and that he stopped talking about the case after he saw people around him “get so heated.” He believes, he said, that “all these suppositions don’t mean anything,” and that he’s heard recording in the case but didn't come to any conclusions. He recalled seeing pictures of “alleged” damage to Zimmerman’s head. He said he believed that if someone’s within their right to defend themselves, they shouldn't be arrested. He said he was aware that there’s a dispute about who is screaming on the 911 audio, but that “I haven’t formed a conclusion.”

However Juror E7 was outed as a liar and someone with an agenda thanks to social media.  It turns out he had made a number of Facebook posts on a page called “Coffee Party Progressives."
He had made an inflammatory comment in response to a posting about the case back on March 21 vowing that justice was coming.  The prospective juror also alleged a conspiracy involving Zimmerman and the local police.  

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Mother of Elaina Steinfurth Arrested

Angela J. Mories, mother of Elaina Steinfurth was arrested on charges related to "endangering children."  A $250,000 bond has been set.

 According to sources, Angela claims that Steven King beat or dropped the baby and hurt her bad. She says "THEY" threatened to kill her and the baby if she called 911 or tried to take her to the hospital.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Elaina Steinfurth Is Missing

Elaina Steinfurth has been missing since Sunday, June 2nd, when her family reported her missing during a custody hand-off.

Sunday afternoon, her dad Terry came to the home of his estranged wife Angela in East Toledo to pick up Elaina for a routine visit.

He says the couple is now in the middle of a bitter divorce battle and Angela wants custody of the girl.
"Her mother refused to give her to me. She went in the house. Was in there 15-20 minutes, came out saying that the baby was missing," said Mr. Steinfurth.

Angela Steinfurth told Toledo News Now she believes Elaina was kidnapped.

"Her boyfriend disappeared out the back door during this time. I don't know if he took her or where she's at right now," said Mr. Steinfurth.

Elaina was last seen wearing orange shorts with flowers.  Anyone with information is urged to call Toledo Police at 419-936-8995 or CrimeStoppers at 419-255-1111.

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